[share] [et_top_cart] is
and product picture is fail
This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
[share] [et_top_cart] is
and product picture is fail
You use the out of date version of the WooCommerce and did not install the Royal core plugin.
Once we updated WooCommerce we got the fatal error.
Could you, please, provide us with correct FTP access because if we try to connect to your server using credentials you provided we get the error
Error: FATAL ERROR: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Error: Could not connect to server
We need FTP access to check what third-party plugin caused fatal error after WooCommerce plugin update and fix it.
Waiting for your reply.
sorry about that
i give you right sftp detail
I have updated WordPress and all the bundled plugins. Installed required plugins. check site now.
can you tell me how to do it
this is dev site
i need upade to main site
I have updated WordPress and theme via FTP and then updated plugins via Dashboard > Updates. If you need to update the production site you can provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access and we’ll help you.
i update done
when i enable the Single Product setting Display related products on
my single product page in the end something wrong it get a lot of white
pls help me help it
Here is what I can see – https://gyazo.com/ec9780af4ced41c42bdbe9707876788c Clear cache and check one more time. Provide URL of product where you can see the problem.
actually i see every product page is a lot of white
i do know why your right
how can i translate Royal theme ‘s text i need change it to chinese
/Applications/Poedit.app/Contents/PlugIns/GettextTools.bundle/Contents/MacOS/bin/xgettext: 警告:msgid ‘The following plugin was activated successfully:’ is used without plural and with plural.
framework/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php:395: Here is the occurrence without plural.
framework/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php:3061: Here is the occurrence with plural.
Workaround: If the msgid is a sentence, change the wording of the sentence; otherwise, use contexts for disambiguation.
i get this error can you help me fix it
Sorry for the delay in answering.
1) Check the Related products now, please.
2) Follow the documentation to translate Royal theme and Royal core plugin https://8theme.com/demo/docs/royal/Theme_Translation/Base_Theme_Translation.html
The issue related to '‘my homepage shortcode fail’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses