I am using the Name Your Price extension for woocommerce on my website (web address for the extension: http://www.woothemes.com/products/name-your-price/) and it keeps saying that the price entered is below the minimum even though I am entering prices that match or exceed the minimum. When I switch to another theme (like the default wordpress them) the function works perfectly, so there is something wrong with the theme. This was the only forum entry I could find on the issue: https://support.woothemes.com/hc/communities/public/questions/201066563-Name-your-price-products-not-added-to-cart And I’m not really sure how to do what the recommended action is (involves ajax). Also, I noticed when I switched to the default theme that the SSL/https encryption symbol on the browser address was the standard green color, instead of the yellow triangle like it appears when the woopress theme is active.
My webstore address with the Name Your Price issue is here:
and I will include log in credentials in private content.