Hello, thank you very much for everything!
I am solving almost all the problems but I still need some help, I explain the problems below.
1 – problems with the Google map, in the contact tab I can not enter the site map, I leave attached image. http://prntscr.com/o3hnut
2- How can I enter a contact form? I have searched for the element and can not find it.
3 – how can I change the color of the menu when it is activated (image attached “color menu”) http://prntscr.com/o3hnkp
4 – the menu is broken when you change the home (attached image “broken menu”) http://prntscr.com/o3hndp
5 – I can not activate the “One Page menu” I follow all the steps but it does not work, when I go into menu, pages … you can not see the URL of the page (see attached image “menu 02”) http://prntscr.com/o3hnon
6 – How do I configure the videos so that they can be viewed from the home slider without having to load another tab?
Thank you very much and apologize for my clumsiness.