When changed our them to Royal, our sells are gone down seriously. So we was thinking about the cause of this efect and we think in two possibility:
1 – In the old theme, we had the “Add to cart” button visible bellow every product (front page, store…) and was working fine with WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities. As you see, we don’t sell 1 unit per product but it’s variable depend of the batch (min 25, 50, 100 …).
With Royal was impossible and i’ve post the problem here more than month ago without solution. Well, was update, and update…. and more bugs, more edits..! > https://www.8theme.com/topic/a-new-royal-user-with-some-problems/ Without been resolved!
So, without a Php good knowledges, i’ve got some GOOD results. Now i can display the Quantity near the Add to card button (see it here: http://www.ropaoutletbarcelona.es/en) and seems working. I’ve edited /themes/royal/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php and i don’t remember, i’ve edited more than this to works. Because i’ve got it displayed but wasn’t adding to cart (top, or cart page).
Why i’m here now?
So, need some help to customize this better:
– The hover of Add to cart isn’t correct.
– The Js animation of the button when adding a product has changed, and don’t look good.
– Before my modifications, i think that the page no uploaded when a product is added. Now it uploads, and there is a notification to go to cart. If possible add without upload page and keep out the notification.
2 – I’m using qTranslate (i know, isn’t the better, but i’m a little tired for the moment, to change it. And when something works fine, a modification will be a 90% of bugs…).
So, some costumers tolds me that when they click on the cart in the header they got “Page not found”. I’ve tried and for me it works. So i think that the translated link isn’t the correct.
What i have: http://www.ropaoutletbarcelona.es/carro?lang=es
And must be: http://www.ropaoutletbarcelona.es/es/carro
I’ve looked for the file to modify… but nothing. So if you can help me to find it, and why not edit it. There is 2 ways to do it:
<a href='/<?php echo qtrans_getLanguage(); ?>/carro/' class='button wc-forward'><?php _e( 'View Cart', 'woocommerce' ); ?></a>
<a href="/<?php echo qtrans_getLanguage(); ?>/finalizar-comprar/" class="button checkout wc-forward"><?php _e( 'Checkout', 'woocommerce' ); ?></a>
<?php if(qtrans_getLanguage() == "es") : ?>/carro/<?php endif ?> (the default language is Spanish)
<?php if(qtrans_getLanguage() == "en") : ?>/en/carro/<?php endif ?>
NB: No needs for updates (i’ve some plugins, the theme without updating), if this will do more troubles.
There other think, but the priority is this for the moment.
Thank you!