I’ve now come pretty far on my webbsite. But there is still a few things that I need help with.
1. The cart color is white on the homepage and since the background is white aswell you can’t see the shoppingcart. So I would need help to cahnge the shoppingcart color to black on the homepage aswell. (on the other pages the cart is black as it should be).
2. For somereason my footer-links looks diffrent on all of my other pages than my homepage. On my other pages the links gets a little bit mixed up and it looks wierd. So how can I fix this so it looks like it does on my homepage on all of my pages.
3. I want to remove the sticky header. And I want a sticky menu instead. So when you scroll the menu links and the shopping cart follows with it, and not my company logo.
4. If I go to my shopping page called “armband” this gets shown under the menu links:
and if I go to checkout this is shown:
How can I remove all of this?
5. On my shopping pages. I got this heart symbol on my products (think its for whishlist). How can I remove this?
6. I want to remove “Add to wishlist” on the single product page aswell. How can I do this?
I think this is all for now. I just want to say you’ve been to such a good help so far and I am very satesfied with my purchase.