I need to install my theme on a demo site and do all designing, once client approved then only I can point the original domain,
if I point the original domain, does it make any issues?
please help,
thank you,
This topic has 36 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I need to install my theme on a demo site and do all designing, once client approved then only I can point the original domain,
if I point the original domain, does it make any issues?
please help,
thank you,
You can use 1 license for 1 project (dev and production sites) according to ThemeForest license policy https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard
So, if you want to try a theme for the project before moving that to the production site you can do this. You can use the same license for the dev site.
I can use in a subdomain like “abc.abc.com” for development.
and for production i can change the above subdomain url to ” xyz.com ”
so only one website will be live at a time.. its ok right?
thank you.
Yes. The main point is that it should be the same project. If you face any limit error just reply back and provide us with your purchase code. We’ll check and help you.
please check attachement, there is multiple errors,
About the WPBakery plugin, you can install it via XStore > Plugins installer.
About PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10), try the solution from this topic – https://www.8theme.com/topic/the-package-could-not-be-installed-pclzip_err_bad_format-10-unable-to-find-2/#post-273465
or do the update via FTP – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-installation/theme-update/ https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/plugins-update/
how to edit top bar and bottom of the website.
please check both images
Enable Elementor for static blocks – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/support/static-blocks/ , then edit static blocks
Even though we change background colour on header builder its not updating on website.
sometimes it chow changes at header builder section, and we click publish. then it don’t reflect in frontend .
On your screenshot, it is a bit unclear background of what element was changed.
Please provide URL of the site and temporary wp-admin access via the Private Content area. We will check if settings of the header builder work.
i solved above problem.
Now i need to import another demo.. only pages i need to import..
Demo name : Niche market
we already worked on woocommerce , blog etc..
If we give you access, can you please import page alone??? Of above Demo??
Thank you
Provide URL of the desired demo + temporary wp-admin access, we will add page from demo to your site.
Please check private content,
ONLY IMPORT THE PAGES OF THIS DEMO , WITH ELEMENTOR.. Don’t Import anything else , or delete any other content.
Thank you.
BE ATTENTIVE and don’t place the private information in the general message area because all the visitors have access to that information. Use the Private Content area.
I’ve added “Home niche-market test” page, please check.
please add Header of same demo..
also tell me the name of remaining pages.have you imported remaining pages.? we need remaining pages also..
and please remove any temporary link i put in public..
About header, Theme Options > Header builder > Multiple headers – you can create a custom header and set it for a custom page, here is a video about Multiple headers – https://youtu.be/BpeXfzNwkOc , Header builder > Header templates > Ready To Go Headers > import header of the desired demo.
I’ve added “About us – niche-market” and “Contact us – niche-market” pages also.
i had imported as per you said, but its not giving same result..
Can you please make same header of niche-market on my website??
already temporary login provided..
Check now, please.
ajax error
please check
i see after this header change….
sorry its only for my IP ..
How to edit heading in elementor and put that heading in website or else i need to change colour on header builder, but its not properly updating..
i need something like this : https://ibb.co/4FQXbvG
Header: 2B2D42
Top header: 51CB20
Button: 2B2D42
Title: 2B2D42
Header bottom: 92DCE5
Also for default colour i need a different one when i change its not updating
See, it should be like this : https://ibb.co/zQsm4ct
But see the switches : https://ibb.co/4WTfnZC
Use header builder settings to change the bg colors and colors https://prnt.sc/1zxy1on
I see that you already found these settings. Do you need to change anything else?
What Elementor heading do you want to change? Could you provide screenshot?
If you want to change the color of the buttons go to Theme Options > Styling edit the buttons colors https://prnt.sc/1zxyjqb
Is there any option to remove Vendor from all places : https://ibb.co/Vpb0S9G
Also i need to remove the ” from ” : https://ibb.co/3Fphyvp
Thank you
Also , My Account button give a blank slider…
Also i need to remove the ” from ” : https://ibb.co/3Fphyvp
The account is blank because you set text color to white and bg color to white https://prnt.sc/200o72l I changed the text color. Check now.
Switch to a built-in single product layout if you use an additional plugin for the single product (Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Single product builder > off ).
Oka thank you,
How to remove (Spent “amount” to get free shipping ) on cart page
Go to XStore > Speed booster > disable Progress Bar.
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