Not sure how to demonstrate it 🙂 but when I turned on the new option “Mobile Content Optimization” in “General / Layout” I started to face issues with CloudFlare cache.
I’m using CloudFlare APO (Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress) and symptoms are the following:
– when I clear/purge CF cache completely and open page from mobile as the first hit after purge, it caches mobile header kind of “permanently” :(.
– now if I open the same page on desktop browser for the first time, it gets mobile header as well, not normal desktop header as it should.
– when I reload page (one or two times) it is getting again normal desktop header.
– now if I do exactly the same but it in the opposite order -> after purging CF cache, i will firstly visit page from desktop, there is a mess on mobile until again I do few refreshes on it.
It took me a while to find it 🙂 but without “Mobile Content Optimization” all works ok …
You could also have a look at CF APO option “Cache by device” (https://developers.cloudflare.com/automatic-platform-optimization/reference/cache-device-type/) and maybe support it in order to get best performance per platform 🙂