Hi, how can I make the email subscribe button next to the input area.
Also I keep getting weird symbols within my text: “”
Have to delete text areas and retype them. Do you know why this is occurring?
This topic has 16 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, how can I make the email subscribe button next to the input area.
Also I keep getting weird symbols within my text: “”
Have to delete text areas and retype them. Do you know why this is occurring?
Thanks for the topic.
Please provide screenshots for better understanding.
Similar to the way it is at the bottom of this website, under “OUR NEWSLETTER”
If you want to change the styles you need to play with custom CSS and form code.
For example, to get the form like on our site you may use our code https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/mail-chimp-form-custom-styles/
and then also add the custom styles to display button in the way you like http://prntscr.com/hjgtu7
More information how to customize contact form you can find in plugin documentation https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/ http://prntscr.com/hjgwt1
Dear Olga,
how can we make the newsletter like this https://prnt.sc/hjgtu7
the actual way is like this https://prnt.sc/hji3xc
Thank you very much.
As I told you in the previous message it requires some additional CSS customization. If you provide me temporary admin panel access I’ll be able to help you with these styles.
Dear Olga,
Please find in the private content the credentiels.
Thank you.
Check now, please. Custom CSS was added in Theme Options > Styling > Custom CSS.
Dear Olga,
Sorry for the delay…
NOthing changed.
Wht I want is that the newsletter form will be like the picture here. it mean the newsletter form is in the full width.
like in this picture
what we have now even after the changes you made is
or just go the link in the PV, and go down any page.
the PV is in the prefooter static block.
Thank you.
P.S; your credentials are still valid, if you like to enter use them angain, they are in the previous email.
Thank you.
Hello, @Walid,
I’ve created “Prefooter new” static block and added this code in Custom css http://prntscr.com/hkptfe. Please check now http://prntscr.com/hkptj7
Thank you very much.
That is what we needed really.
All the best.
Hello, @Walid
You’re welcome!
Have a nice day.
Dear Rose,
an final and quick request:
When you made those changes the box was like this: (there is a small space between it and the footer)
after we made some changes (to the texts only)
it became like this: (no previous space)
How can we re-set that space, as it is better:)
and how can we change the color of the whole box. in some laptops it is too fade.
this is the css, but I couldn’t find where to change it!
Credentials are in the PC, if you need it.
Thank you:)
Yours ever,
Hello, @Walid
1. Please see screenshots http://prntscr.com/hmgmhf > http://prntscr.com/hmgn5w
2. http://prntscr.com/hmgnnk
You are a Star:)
Thank you very much:)
Have a nice day.
Hello, @Walid
You’re welcome!
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