hello. i am using minimal-fashion02 theme i can t find newsletter popup setting in theme.
secondly i also want top header newsletter scrolling. explain how
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
hello. i am using minimal-fashion02 theme i can t find newsletter popup setting in theme.
secondly i also want top header newsletter scrolling. explain how
Theme Options > header builder > Newsletter settings (make sure that this element is added into the header content) – https://gyazo.com/cd48cda8c0d06a8e2d677f3f2d276978
Enable Elementor for static blocks – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/support/static-blocks/ , then you will be able to edit Newsletter static block using Elementor editor
secondly i also want top header newsletter scrolling
– describe the request with a screenshot for a better understanding, please.
we do same as you shown in video everything looks fine but nothing is display
i am providing you backend access so you may check it by self.
2ndly we want this types of newsletters on top of pages, this may continuously scroll or still as we like
see at top of this page link
“best offer! Free delivery on………”
As we can see, you updated Core plugin so update for the theme is required – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-installation/theme-update/
Do not update XStore Core plugin before the theme update, next time.
You did not add the Newsletter element into the header content, clear cache and check now. The demo “Newsletter popup” static block was created using Elementor, so can be edited using Elementor only. Go to Elementor > Settings > Post types > select Static Blocks, then go to Static blocks and edit the demo popup. Or select the desired popup static block, that you created from scratch using WPB or El (not both together), via Theme options > Header builder > Newsletter.
2/ Theem Options > Header builder > https://gyazo.com/a703db04cbb1d9417f3c4d0c973b98e5
thanks for your help. and all done
now i have general question…in your sample theme all pictures look UHD but after we install theme and load our pictures the quality decrease.
tell me how can we show UHD
note: our pictures are in WebP and very good in quality
Read about product images – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/woocommerce/product-images/
Provide screenshots for a better understanding of your problem.
1. thanks for quick reply, i notice newsletter popup on homepage is perfect but when we go to any other page it appears with white border (see attachment)
how can i remove it ?
2, how can i change the button name “chose option” into ” select shades”
1/ Try to disable all the third-party plugins (including cache plugins), that do not come bundled with XStore https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/included-plugins/ , clear cache of browser, and check then. Maybe one of the additional plugins is a reason for the problem.
2/ Change text using translation, for example, activate Loco Translate plugin > change English text and disable the plugin.
Tagged: customization, header setting, newsletter, optimization, popup, woocommerce, wordpress
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