Hi Sir, I have installed xstore on clean wordpress.
The server requirements were all ok and I imported the niche03 demo.
Almost everything ok except:
1- the wishlist was not present (maybe I have to activate it?)
2- some images have no motion blur;
3- the “our categories” section has no icons and subcategories;
4- the “hot product” section lacks some images, subcategories and buttons.
It’s probably just setting problems but I thought I’d upload a working and complete demo like in the link https://xstore.8theme.com/elementr/demos/niche-market03/.
If I have the demo complete and working I can study it and know how to reproduce certain effects instead of guessing.
I have collected the errors in this image https://prnt.sc/6yMvaBniOA7J
Can you help me please?
Thank you