I’m having troubles with the navigation bar and it’s links:
In 991px width, the navigation appears as mobile-styled: https://imgur.com/vrEfa1v
In 993px width, the navigation appears as desktop-styled: https://imgur.com/POMwhkv
I’m using “Variant standard” header type.
So far everything is okay.
The problem is in exactly 992px width (https://imgur.com/y0DE6pQ), where some media querys goes in or out and there isn’t any navigation, so if someone ocasionally uses a device or a browser window in that size the webpage would be unnavigable.
However, when you scroll in 992px, the fixed header apperas with a mobile-styled navigation: https://imgur.com/i9vqM13
I understand that is very unlikely of someone using that view port width, but if it happens there would be problems.
Hope that can be solved withouth major problems, would be great to avoid that error possibility.
Best regards.