1. none of Elementor slider widgets work during use in mega menu (static blocks). i have tried Banner Carousel (XSTORE Widget), Image Carousel and Slides. they work in other parts of site like homepage or… but not in mega menu (static blocks.) the problem is Sliding doesnt happen actually. i had look on google chrome inspect and it seems like some codes related to sliding are removed. i have change Speed Optimizations options too like Static Blocks Cache or Disable Theme Swiper JS Library or… i changed them one by one but nothing happend.
2. i need access to Theme file editor which is normally appear in Appearance section in wordpress panel.
3. i need to have Menu location which your theme doesnt have, im using some plugins and those show me error like “This theme does not register any menu locations. You will need to create a new menu location to use the JetMenu on your site.”
Thank You.