The 2 banners in my homepage are not responsive and are showing up too small with large space around them when viewed on mobile. How to fix it? Please help.
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
The 2 banners in my homepage are not responsive and are showing up too small with large space around them when viewed on mobile. How to fix it? Please help.
Provide screenshots and temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look.
Ok. I have given my ID & password.
I am not able to attach screenshot
Edit content of the page and change this padding http://prntscr.com/sl22sa to 1vw
Add this code in Custom CSS for page http://prntscr.com/sl2599
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.banner {
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
Here is a padding of an empty footer area http://prntscr.com/sl26ib , change it here – http://prntscr.com/sl277o
Change this http://prntscr.com/sl283p to 2vw here – http://prntscr.com/sl293d
Hi! It is still not responsive. In the mobile phone only the banner is visible and nothing else in the screen first.
Please help!!
See this :
https://prnt.sc/smta1b phone
https://prnt.sc/smtaqd tablet
please help remove these spaces!!
You enabled “Full height row” – http://prntscr.com/smt2oe , so the row a stretched and you got white space on mobile http://prntscr.com/smt476
wonderful! Thank you for your help!
You’re welcome!
Have a nice day
Hi! I want to submit a new topic but when I select the theme it is showing an error and am not able to submit it then!
This is the query:
Hi I want to change the colour of all the buttons in my website. They are currently a very dark and dull grey, even the page numbers are that way in shop page.
I want to make them the green colour in my theme.
Also, the global custom css in royal options are not working, I am not able to add any custom css.
Please help
What error do you get while visit https://www.8theme.com/forums/royal-wordpress-support-forum/ and press the Submit button? Could you, please, provide us with screenshot of the error?
We have added below code to your custom CSS to change the color of the dark buttons and it works fine
.product-information .single_add_to_cart_button, button, .button, input[type=button], input[type=submit],
.wishlist_table .add_to_cart.button, .btn-black, .btn.btn-black,
.subscription-toggle, .btn.filled, .pagination-cubic li span.page-numbers.current{
background: green;
.pagination-cubic li a:hover {
background: #3f9912;
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