As i discribe on the forum ( name is hasinduI can’t create multi page form and do not send smtp mail to the users when registering.For resolve that I providing two test links for you to access my ftp.
1) This site contains just new installed latest version of the theme and woo comers and formcraft.Go to the wp-admin panel and click form craft on that admin panel left hand side
then you navigate the
Click NewForm under your forms then you go to new form page
Click preview tab on the header page (then you see It not working properly with your theme )
Change the theme and do it again it works perfectly
Mail setting in the option tab on the same page
2) This site login and registration are also made by formcraft but they do not correctly with your theme
This is hall application under developing me this also contain same go and check help me to resolve the problem.
If there is a Skype heap let me know the contact