if you go to
you can see 3 products that are empty
tried deleting them trough the products page but I didn’t find them please help
This topic has 29 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
if you go to
you can see 3 products that are empty
tried deleting them trough the products page but I didn’t find them please help
Did you create products manually or import them from somewhere?
It looks like the problem is independent of our theme (you can check it by activating WC theme – Storefront) , and you need to contact the support of WooCommerce plugin.
I actually deleted everything on the product page before and it did fix the issue
and i created the products manually
when i try to live view the child theme it fixes the issue
you can see here
“and it did fix the issue” – was the problem solved?
If not, please check how this works with the default WC theme – Storefront.
It is important to check if the problem persists with the default theme to find out if it comes from the theme or from something else. Go to Appearance > Themes > install and activate the Storefront theme.
Widgets could be messed up after switching, so open the Appearance > Widgets tab before switching to be able to move the widgets to the correct area after switching back.
the problem was solved only on the (child theme) not in the main theme
tomorrow I will see about the WC – Storefront
Ok. Let us know the result
hey there sorry for the delay
I just checked WC Storefront and it did fix my problem but on my Xstore main theme the problem is still there
you can see here
Please provide temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look.
how would i do that?
Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
can i get updates?
Our reply time may vary depending on the number of requests and is up to 24 hours Monday-Friday and up to 48 hours on weekends. But is usually faster than that.
https://prnt.sc/Jtsw-BcAJp4L – Please check the credentials you provided.
Also, set the administrator role for the user, you will be able to delete this account once the problem will be solved.
Please provide FTP access also. I’ve passed this problem to our dev team.
If you do not know how to create FTP contact with your hosting provider, they will help you.
Thanks for FTP Username, FTP server and port. What about the FTP password?
FTP directory is empty – https://prnt.sc/fEqodU1G1YG0
Check the destination folder of our user, or ask your hosting provider for help with this, we need access to your WP installation.
In you case you should keep this option -> https://prnt.sc/BLoc-k0rv-a1 disabled because you have hard cache on your web-site which keeps showing products which were moved to trash. It is disable now !
As we see you have only one variable product ( https://prnt.sc/xFq4da4vLkG2 ) now so that option is almost useless in your case but If you still need that option you may enable it after some time (to give some time for your cache for recaching itself)
thanks I’m adding more variable products soon soo i need them
and i have a question h=what can i do to make my website light and fast
Read this article – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/troubleshooting/how-to-speed-up-my-website/
i know I’ve been asking a lot but how can i change checkout page layout?
Cart/Checkout layout settings you can find in Theme Options > WooCommerce
Tagged: empty products, seo friendly, shop page, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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