Hi there:
I found a quite awesome feature on a website, and I want my website to have that cool feature, too, but I do not know how to set that properly?
Could you tell me how to do that or could you give me a plugin that has that feature?
Here is how that feature works: https://gyazo.com/4b63a6d9dc1c3a60d1432bbc01dd2ace
Another problem is, every time I created a new web page and I use TEXT EDITOR to edit my content, but it seems I can not add some different types of features into that section. For example, if I want to add a PORTFOLIO into the TEXT EDITOR, it never works right. All I can do is add that feature outside the TEXT EDITOR, you can not put some of the features into the TEXT EDITOR. Are there any good methods to solve that problem? Thanks in advance.