Order confirmation page (Thank you page) translated can’t display

This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 hours, 20 minutes ago ago by Jack Richardson

  • Avatar: vera
    September 26, 2024 at 13:35


    The order confirmation page(Thank you page) of French version can display, but the page of English version can’t display, it shows a 404 page. I have deactivated all plugins except WPML plugin , then I changed to the Storefront theme, I noticed this issue has been removed.
    At last , I tried to deactive only elementor/elmentor pro and Xstore theme plugin and activated WPML and others pugins, this issue also disappeared and didn’t display.
    I think this issue mybe related with theme.

    Please find the order confirmation page in storefront theme.

    Could you help me investigate this issue?

    Thank you.

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    3 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 26, 2024 at 14:59


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please try to disable all third-party plugins that are not included with XStore
    (https://xstore.helpscoutdocs.com/article/36-included-plugins). After doing so, please clear your browser’s cache and check again. It is possible that one of these additional plugins is causing the problem.

    Should the problem continue, please provide us with a link to the page where the issue occurs and the account details used for the test purchase.

    Best Regards,
    8Theme’s Team

    Avatar: vera
    September 26, 2024 at 17:54


    Thanks for your response.

    I disabled all the third-party plugins and this issue still appeared.

    Please follow the steps below to complete a test.
    1. login to the Woocommerce admin panel, I will share the admin info with you.

    2. Enter the site homepage and click the “English” language switcher in the header , now you are in our English verison site. Then Please add the product shared in private content area into the cart and go to checkout for test.

    3. When you at checkout page , please fill the email of bill as “admin@sugarocean.fr” and fill your name as “test”, then choose “fake pay ” for payment get away.

    4. Once the payment finished, the thank you page will show as 404 page.

    I also share the French version Thank-you page in the attachment.

    Thank you

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    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    September 27, 2024 at 08:13

    Dear @Vera,

    We hope this message finds you well. Upon reviewing the issue you reported regarding the incorrect redirection to the thank you page when viewing the web-site from English version, we have identified that the cause is linked to the Elementor PRO plugin. When this plugin is disabled, the correct page is displayed following the checkout process (check in private area).

    As you are a purchaser of the Elementor PRO plugin, you have access to their premium support services. We kindly request that you direct your inquiry to their support team for specialized assistance.

    Our preliminary analysis suggests that the problem may stem from the multiple templates you have created for different languages. It is generally advisable to implement translations within the same template rather than creating separate templates for each language. However, our tests have conclusively isolated the issue to the Elementor PRO plugin, rather than our XStore theme.

    We appreciate your adherence to the support rules and the privacy policy outlined by Envato.

    Once you receive a resolution from Elementor PRO support, we would be grateful if you could share the solution with us. This will enable us to better assist other clients who might encounter similar issues.

    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    Best Regards,
    Jack Richardson
    The 8Theme Team

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