We have a question in the Private content and hope you can assist ..
This topic has 29 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
We have a question in the Private content and hope you can assist ..
Try to disable Massive Addons plugin, if this solves the problem, you have a known issue of the Massive Addons plugin that caused by server limits https://codecanyon.net/item/massive-addons-for-visual-composer/14429839/comments?page=36&filter=all#comment_14143143 https://codecanyon.net/item/massive-addons-for-visual-composer/14429839/comments?filter=all&page=79#comment_18501820 You need to contact hosting provider and ask to increase the maximum body length value, then you will be able to edit pages/products without the “page not found” error.
Thanks Rose, will contact the Hosting. Also…
HI Rose, Response from the hosting in the Private content..
<IfModule mod_substitute.c>
SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M
Hi Olga,
Hi Olga..
Please send:
– FTP info (server, username, password, port)
– Admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password)
I will add to .htaccess file
Hung PD
We are talking about maximum body length value. Try to add those rules to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_substitute.c>
SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M
How to add custom favicon – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/troubleshooting/how-to-add-custom-favicon/
Thanks Rose, much appreciated ..
There is no safe way to add the code to .htaccess file via Dashboard.
Take into account that we are not the authors of the Massive Addons plugin that causes your problem. We contacted the author and got the answers:
1) https://codecanyon.net/item/massive-addons-for-visual-composer/14429839/comments?page=36&filter=all#comment_14143143
2) https://codecanyon.net/item/massive-addons-for-visual-composer/14429839/comments?filter=all&page=79#comment_18501820
This is all the info that we have. If you need some detailed explanation it would be better if you contact plugin author directly.
Thanks Olga..
Try to set 10M as was mentioned – http://prntscr.com/njw8x0
Hi Rose..
Hi Rose.. after further communication with the hosting they have asked..
Dear Hung…
Please provide correct wp-admin access and describe in details what to do to see the problem. We will check the problem more deeply.
Hi Rose…
I do not see the problem with a page updating on your site. Do you face it on a particular page?
Check how this works with a default theme. We are able to help only in case the problem relates strictly to our theme. I do not see any problems from our side, for now.
Hi Rose….
HI Rose///
Hi Rose Urgent
Yes, we are testing and password is changed. And we can’t enable the xstore theme back. Don’t do this!
We have checked your site with the default theme and faced the same issue even if we tried to check the Appearance > Themes
So, we don’t have ideas about why you have this problem.
As was mentioned, the problem doesn’t relate to our theme. The issue can be caused by one of 3rd party plugins. We would recommend you to create a staging site (the full copy of the live site) and do tests there, to prevent changes in functionality of the production site. Disable plugins and activate them one by one there. Also, Check error.log on your server to get some tips about the problem.
Thank you Olga, much appreciated.
You’re welcome!
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