Hello There
I have recently purchased the XStore theme. I have imported an electronic mega market demo.
I am having issues with breadcrumbs and the permalink structure.
Note: I have renamed Blog to Articles and the slug is articles.
What I want to achieve:
URL: https://domain.com/articles/category/post
Breadcrumb: Home > Articles > Category > Post
What did i do to achieve this:
Approach 1: Changed Permalink Structure to Custom: /articles/%category%/%postname%/
Changed the optional Category Base to: articles
So, with this I have achieved the “https://domain.com/articles/category/post” this URL format.
The category page “https://domain.com/articles/category/” opens correctly, but the Breadcrumb is not as I expected “Home > Category: Category-Name” How can we remove the “Category:” from the breadcrumb?
Further the Post page “https://domain.com/articles/category/post” gives 404, how can we fix it?
Approoach 2: When I remove “/articles” from “/articles/%category%/%postname%/” the custom permalink structure, but keep “articles” under the optional category base.
Then I can access the Post from “https://domain.com/category/post” but “/articles” is missing in the URL.
The Post breadcrumb is also not correct it says “Home > Blog > Category” Articles and the Post Name is also missing in the Breadcrumbs”
With this approach, the behavior of the category page stays the same. So the issue is mainly with the post page and the breadcrumbs.
I tried to explain the issue as clearly as I could. I hope you understand and can help me.
P.S. I have the latest version of both XStore and WordPress and I didn’t install many plugins.
Best Regards