please re open post below, instagram thumnail can not show again, please help, thank you
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
please re open post below, instagram thumnail can not show again, please help, thank you
Go to WP Dashboard > XStore > Authorization APIs > click refresh Instagram button. Check if it fixes the issue. If not then provide us with WP Dashboard access to the site.
hi olga,
i refreshed API and cleared cache but still doesnt show instagram photos?
i deleted API and re connect to instagram then clear cache but still can not show ig photos?
1. why there are 2 APi codes in the API setting?
2. why there are 2 ig accounts in the setting? they are the same username but why show twice in the dropdown list?
3. hashtag field need tag icon “#” or not? i did not include icon (before photo still shows properly without # icon though)
4. what is the difference between home/instagramSection and home/instagramWall? i set up for both, then they look like separate from each other and interrupt with each other, website page shows 2 instagram slider at same postion?? 2 sets of naviation arrows? 2 buttons with “follow us @”??
please help fix it, please refer to old post 291707 for reference if needed, thank you
screenshot of above question 4, i cant edit the post bc it just kept running
5. why ig post likes count doesnt show on website? only show comment count?
plz help, thank you
can anyone plz help fix it so my site can be running properly asap? thank you
Take our apologies for the delay in answering.
1), 2) Probably 2 tokens were generated. You can remove one of them.
3) No, you don’t need “#” before the tag.
4) Home page and Instagram Wall are 2 different pages. So, if you want to edit Instagram from the Home page then edit the home page and Instagram element on the home page. If you want to include a separate page into your menu that will display the Instagram element only then use the Instagram Wall and add this page to your menu. If you don’t need that page then just remove it to avoid mix-up.
5) Could you, please, log in to your Instagram account here to test the gallery preview issue? And provide us with FTP access to your site to check the issue with the likes.
1. i deleted and reconnected instagram last time, only one token show up now i just checked.
2. how do i test gallery preview issue? i went to the link, connected to instagram, then check front page instagram section, nothing changed? still can not show instagram photo??
2. is that smashball instagram same as xstore default instagram section? or smashball is just for test purpose?
3. i did not add instagram wall to front page, why would it interfere with front page instagram section?
4. do i need to delete instagram wall page/staticblock completely? or just disconnect my instagram account from instagram wall? i dont want to delete the page/block in case i need it in the future? can i just disconnect from wall and it wont causing any more issue?
please help fix instagram section issue asap, i can not run my site with this error, thank you
1) Ok.
2) It’s for test only. We’ll remove it once finish.
3) Just go to Pages > remove the Instagram Wall page, not the Home page!
4) You use Instagram element on the home page, so you don’t need an additional page with the Instagram. Just remove that additional page.
I passed issue with the Instagram gallery to our developers. I’ll inform you once they fix the issues.
We have fixed the gallery image issue. Check now.
But issue with likes is related to some settings that you have for your account or something. Because if we check the media by hashtag when we are logged in we don’t see likes, only comments , Instagram API returns 0 likes for the posts that are not gallery posts.
At the same time we are able to see the likes if we are not logged in.
So, we would recommend you to contact Instagram support about this. We hid the likes if it has 0.
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