I’ve activated auto-update successfully but the actual update process fails with following error message:
Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /tmp/Classico_Responsive_Woocommerce_Wordpress_Theme.zipAWSAccessKeyIdAKIAJYG5ROGJ6X7Z3M6QExpires1437649224SignatureBIyp7HjDryUYDB6FqpfjABUqP0k%3Dresponse-content-dispositionattachment%3B-filename%3Dthemeforest-11024192-classico-responsive-woocommerce-wordpress-theme.tmp because File name too long in /home/hocofab/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 164
The file name is 277 characters which exceeds the Centos/ext3 max of 255 (typical for the majority of unix/linux based systems).
The manual update process for plugins is too onerous, especially for a developer such as myself who is using 8themes themes for all site development. We need the auto update to work.