This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago ago by Eva Kemp
I use the WP Blanco Theme for a Blog Site, please see
I want to create a Portfolio Page, just like
Is there a possibility to Import a Demo Page ?
I want to use this Page for an Overview of all Categories,
how can I remove the FullSize Icon and Link ?
I only want to Link into the Category.
there is a Slider “RECENT WORKS”
Is there a Posibility to Import that Slider or is there any Shortcode ?
I dont use the Woocommerce Plugin.
Portfolio page is created as described in the documentation!/portfolio and it shows projects that you created in Portfolio section in WP Dashboard.
To show “Recent Works” slider you need enable it in “Blanco – Theme Settings” > Portfolio > tick “Show Recent Works”.
To remove icons add this code in custom.css file:
.portfolio-item .portfolio-descr .button {
display: none;
To create custom.css you need rename default.custom.css to custom.css in wp-content/themes/blanco directory via FTP and enable it in Blanco – Theme Settings, tick “Enable Custom CSS file”.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello Jack,
thank you for your Help, I did it like you told me but I only get an empty Result:
Please provide us with WP Dashboard credentials in private content.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello, see private Content.
And thank you !
Just another question, please see Private Content:
Portfolio page shows projects created in Portfolio section:
You don’t have any. You need add new projects at first.
Eva Kemp.
Ok, got it, thank you.
Now I created some Projects, the Overview works.
What I want to do is the following:
I dont want to Use WP Articles, I only want to use blanco Project as Articles for a Video Blog.
So for that i have some more Question:
I changed the Project Template by using the custum.css
On is my Overview
“Article” is on
So where can I change the url, I want to change the
“etheme_portfolio” tag, best would be, into the Categories tag.
Next Thing:
Where can I cange the Headline
“Project Details”
And, is it possible to Link directly into a Project Category ?
I my Example to “Koi-Auktionen”
Last (I hope, sorry)
Where can I change the Name ?
And, can I use this Slider also in other Sites by using a Shortcode ?
Thank you very much for your help and a merry chrismas to you.
i found a Solution for the following:
Next Thing:
Where can I cange the Headline
“Project Details”
Last (I hope, sorry)
Where can I change the Name ?
But I found another Problem,
the RECENT WORK Slider
doesnt work on IOS Mobile Browser, it is not possible to use the Link.
Do you have a Solution ?
To change portfolio url you need to edit the wp-content/themes/blanco/code/portfolio.php file. Change the code 'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','excerpt','comments')
in line 40 to the following
'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','excerpt','comments'),
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'YOUR_WORD' )
the RECENT WORK Slider
doesnt work on IOS Mobile Browser, it is not possible to use the Link.
Do you mean link icon isn’t shown for the ability to click?
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Do you mean link icon isn’t shown for the ability to click?
Yes, that is exactly what I mean.
I found another Problem with IOS Mobile Browser:
I embedded a Youtube Video using an entry in the custom.css:
.responsive-video iframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.responsive-video {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* Default for 1600x900 videos 16:9 ratio*/
padding-top: 0px;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
So if you now view the Content-Site in an Ipad,
the Header Navigation doesnt work, not possible to Click.
If you now start the Video, after that you can use the Navigation.
It would be very cool if you have a Solution for both.
Thank you so much.
Sorry, example url:
The link you provided as an example gives 404 error.
Please show a correct page.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Sorry, in the meantime i did the Changes from above in the code/portfolio.php
So please take
Next Problem in Iphone View (IOS 8) (i`m really sorry)</strong>
The Recent Slider does`t work.
Example (if possible, please view in an Iphone):
But thank you for your professionel Support !!!
We’ve checked the link in iPhone 6 and Recent Works slider works and links are clickable.
Please specify what iPhone version and browser you’re using.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi, sorry, it was my mistake.
The Slider did not work correct if you use less than 4 Postings.
Now the Slider works fine, sorry.
One last Question,
is it possible to Link directly into a Portfolio Categorie ?
For Example Link to
Thank you very much and I wish you all the Best for 2016!
Please take our apologies but there is no possibility to link directly into a Portfolio Category.
Eva Kemp.
Tagged: best selling, creative, demo, portfolio, responsive, themes, woocommerce
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