Hello Sir,
When we added new portfolio post, the portfolio page shows error in the column of the new added post but the old ones looks good!! http://azmeel.net/portfolio/
I tried to make this new one like the old by creating slider for it and use this slider by Visual composer plugin and then tried to add normal gallery from this plugin but still this error exist:
“jQuery(“.owl_slider3379″).owlCarousel({ items:4, navigation: true, navigationText:false, rewindNav: false, itemsCustom: [[0, 1], [479, 1], [619, 1], [768,…”
While the post it self is Okay when you open it http://azmeel.net/portfolio/boulevard/
Also the Backend editor of Visual Composer not exist in the portfolio singe post editor in the backend, it exists only in posts and pages, can you please help
Looking forward for your reply