On my website home page, prices based on product options were shown, but no longer appear: http://prntscr.com/upbodt
I marked it in red. How do we show prices according to options in these fields?
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
On my website home page, prices based on product options were shown, but no longer appear: http://prntscr.com/upbodt
I marked it in red. How do we show prices according to options in these fields?
It looks the issue was caused by the out of date version of the XStore theme and WooCommerce, XStore core plugins. I have updated them and the price is at the place.
It worked, thanks. However, there is a problem.
After you made the update, the price range started to appear on the product detail page: http://prntscr.com/upldw4
I had found a way to remove this before, only the bottom single price was visible. Now I don’t remember how I uninstalled it 🙁
Another problem after the update.
http://prntscr.com/uplgml the marked field here started to appear on all pages.
1) Did you make changes directly in the parent theme files? It’s not allowed because you always lose the changes in the parent theme after update. We make changes to hide the price in the child theme. Check now.
2) Disable the breadcrumbs if you don’t want to show them https://gyazo.com/ee5d1237fa7aad93ee6ee2a2797ef0b1
The problem I conveyed at the beginning is happening again. Again, prices are not visible.
Who’s added the custom code in the child theme functions.php http://prntscr.com/vr9nbn ?
It hides the price.
I don’t remember doing anything like that.
On the product detail page, price ranges such as XX₺ – XY₺ were displayed according to the variations; I asked you to remove them.
For this reason, you may have added it.
Don’t see that our support staff recommend you exactly that code. Anyway, I removed that and hide the price using custom CSS. Check now, please.
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