I am using the email builder and the builder is recognizing the emails from the 3rd party plugin, it shows them in the list of “email type” and when i select them, the email i design IS sent when it should be sent, but the {content} is not sending, and is showing as the code instead of the content.
Heres the info:
— Plugin: WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro – https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-product-reviews-pro/
— Emails: Contribution Reply, Flagged Contribution Notification and Review Update Confirmation emails – all of them send with the email i build in the builder, but the short code {contribution_type} does not convert to the actual words, and instead is showing in the emails as {contribution_type} instead of “Review” or “Questions”, etc.
Is there any way around this with the email builder? Otherwise the emails are pointless, as there is no information in them at all that can be shown that relates to the topic of the email.