I have very strange problem..
The site was working normally until yesterday, when I saw that the first section of the home page was missing on mobile version.
It is elementor slideshow and it is visible on desktop version. In mobile version only blink for a second when refreshing and after that disappear. When I switch to default WP theme it is visible and not blinking on all device.
After I switch the them and back to Xstore the section was working, but after some refreshes the header start to change his parameters, the logo become bigger, the menu and other blocks become very strange.
I backup my site, but the problem still existed. Try to deactivate all the plugins, except Xcore and Elementor, but the header was still the same. Install the theme again and still the same problem.
Now I tried to change the header template manually, choose the header template again and start personalised it, but after I publish it, become the same problem and the slider on home page disappear …
I need your help…. I want the header of the site to be normal and the first section of the home page with the slider to be visible on all device
Thank you for your time and support.