I have some problem with the legenda and need support:
1: The website can’t show correctly: https://prnt.sc/lwq0sg please check if something wrong, but if the admin login to the page, then show correctly, only show not good with no login user.
2: How to display my social account on the bottom of the home page with the best design? Because I don’t find your demo theme has a social account on the home page, and I hope to add one, but I don’t find the social logo or function on this theme.
3: How to change the website background color to pink? https://prntscr.com/lwq6vj https://prntscr.com/lwq6xx I have change here: https://prnt.sc/lwq7ec and clear the cache, but nothing happen, please show me if something wrong.
4: I have add one item to the shopping cart, but can’t processing to complete the payment, and can’t processing the checkout too, I already set the shipping zone and payment type with paypal email, but something still wrong, please check if something is wrong.
5: I feel your theme has cache problem after update something or modify something. Please check if something wrong.