GOOD MORNING DEAR, THE STORE SECTION works very well and does what I need, however when I am on the store page or anywhere where there is a product and I select an option (color) of the variable products, for example a product color varies (without entering the individual product page) the button that I have configured in “QUOTE” changes to the “ADD TO CART” button and that new button if my clients click on it, it stays loading indefinitely. So it is very likely that this happens because my variable products have their plugin configured so that they first enter the width and height data and then the price is updated to receive add to cart. I hope you can help me change the function that performs the action so that when a customer chooses a color for a variable product on the store page, the “QUOTE” button DOES NOT CHANGE its name or its function, and that it redirects by default to the individual product page (without affecting the main function of adding to cart on the individual page when the width and height data are entered. Espero puedan ayudarme, gracias