Hello, im using your theme, and on first page title on uppercase it is not showing letter Ā (https://prnt.sc/ulpffr) only it is showing on small letters! Please tell me what to do or fix this! Website is http://mindvit.lv/
Best regards
This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hello, im using your theme, and on first page title on uppercase it is not showing letter Ā (https://prnt.sc/ulpffr) only it is showing on small letters! Please tell me what to do or fix this! Website is http://mindvit.lv/
Best regards
Please i need it fast
Take my apologies for the delay in answering. Edit your element and change the line-height to 1.2em http://prntscr.com/ulyags instead of the 0.9em.
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