I made the last update of the theme and a white circle came out at the bottom right, very large. How can I remove or modify it?
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago ago by AliceG
I made the last update of the theme and a white circle came out at the bottom right, very large. How can I remove or modify it?
You just need to clear all cache – browser, plugin, server.
I’ve tried this before but nothing happens.
It stay there
I do not see the problem on your site – https://prnt.sc/xr52ub , so it is cache of your browser. Do you use Chrome? Read this article – https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en
Ok on the browser it has disappeared. On the mobile with Safari it remained.
My question is: will all my customers who opened the site when there was the white circle will all have to clear their browser caches to not see it again?
Or will it soon update for everyone? Because some have written to me that they continue to see it and on the mobile the circle takes up almost the entire page and they can’t buy anything.
Go to Dashboard > Updates > click Check again link and update the theme to version
There aren’t any upgrade. The dashboard show me that the 7.4 it’s the last version.
I also went to the “theme” section and to the part of all the xstore features but I didn’t find any updates to do
Please check one more time – https://gyazo.com/8fd140d1282dddc3df517bc8fc8c5612
the update done and the circle has disappeared on the mobile too. Thanks a lot, always available and super efficient!
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