1. It seems that (even with manual input with LocoTranslate plugin) some of the words like for example = “Enter your promotional code” won’t translate to Dutch. How can we fix that?
2.a Some buttons, like the one in the shopping cart overview (“View cart”-button) I have to click twice before it goes to the content/page. How can I fix this.
2.b And with what code can I change the border-radius & color of these buttons?
2.c I have 2 buttons for “Checkout”, I just need one. How to remove one of them?
3. Im using the “Product Subtitle” plugin, all my settings are “On” to show the subtitles of the product in all the pages, but unfortunately I still can not see the subtitles in de “Cart” (off canvas). Nor in the “Wishlist”. How can we fix this? 4. In my off-canvas “Menu” on mobile, my search bar has a square border, how can I remove this border?
5. My buttons like “EASY” in footer is not working.
Thanks you so much for taking time to help me!
Kind regards,