I am having trouble with the filter widgets for shop sidebar and showing the colour options on products.
I have tried following the video and tried various widgets but they are not working. You can see the example at: https://staging11.swankypins.co.uk/product-category/suspenderbelts/
The price filter does not work, it gives an error message ‘Check your spelling or search again with less specific term’.
The colours display using the ‘Color Filters for WooCommerce’ plugin which I already had installed but not your ‘Swatches Filter by Color’. As you can see on the link above, it shows tick boxes for very few colours (below the woocommerce colours), not all the colours available or the actual colour swatches. All the colours shown by the ‘color filters’ plugin are attributes on the site so surely should display?
‘sort by rating’ doesn’t appear on the page at all even though I have added the widget.
I want the filters Price, Colour, Brands and Rating to show in the sidebar on category pages in a similar way to your demo
Please can you help me with this, thank you. Debbie