Hi there, i am having challanges with the double arrows, double “X” to close the image as well as other inconsistencies with the product gallery within products after installing a particular plugin (WooThumbs – https://iconicwp.com/products/woothumbs/ ) to check out few things .. i’ve utilized softaculous to do a full site backup as always just incase prior to installing that 3rd party plugin but after having the above issues, i’ve restored the site which the restore replaces everything including all databases, tables, settings, files etc.. literally anything but still no luck as i am seeing double of all these arrows and X’s etc.. i have never had an issue with restoring the site to any of the prior backups and still get the same issue.. like never.
here is the screenshot – https://prnt.sc/1v8yykj
and the vid – https://screenrec.com/share/K2SF5tsPlq
I’ve tried resetting, clearing, rebuilding Woocommerce transients, databases, clearing cache, turning off plugins, rebuilding thumbnails, changing size and aspect ratio and then try all of the above again.. nothing.. no luck.
lastly i saw on one of the past 8theme articles that you guys sugges turning off elementor JS in theme settings, i also did that.. still not luck. Your assitance would definetly be great to resolve this. Thanks again!