I’ve synced my products with Facebook to create a Product Catalogue and the “description” content that Facebook populates is from the Product page tab and not the short description that the product page has.
The problem with that is that for some reason it includes this code in the description:
“[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]”
Here’s the screenshot of the backend of my product page: https://prnt.sc/l7khr2
Here’s the front end of the product:https://prnt.sc/l7ki1k
Here’s how Facebook is populating as the product description:https://prnt.sc/l7ki9c
Note that those products that do not have text on the tabs section on my product page, Facebook is grabbing the “short description” from my product page without the strange code shown above.
Here’s how a product page short description looks like and doesn’t have a tabs section: http://prntscr.com/l7kn5a
Here’s how Facebook correctly populates the description: https://prnt.sc/l7ko8r
Any idea how this can be fixed?
thank you.