After the 2.2 update the single preview product item don’t show the item’s name, price, quick view, rollover script etc.
thanks a lot!
This topic has 20 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
After the 2.2 update the single preview product item don’t show the item’s name, price, quick view, rollover script etc.
thanks a lot!
Please provide us with wp-admin panel credentials in Private Content to check the issue.
Eva Kemp.
thanks a lot!
after the update all the theme options single product disabled, resolved thanks!
Just another thing, still after 2.2 update the slider box overlap the category preview product:
thanks a lot!
You’re welcome.
You should add the following code into custom.css:
.page-description {margin-bottom: 10px;}
Eva Kemp.
Thanks a lot!
Another thing, I’m interested to have 4 category box thumbnails instead 3 into homepage:
thanks for your help!
You’re welcome.
Sorry but there is no such function by default.
Unfortunately it can be done only by removing sidebar from the page.
Eva Kemp.
It depends from Woocommerce? Which php page I should edit to manage the number of displayed items?
You can refer to woocommerce documentation: http://docs.woothemes.com/document/change-number-of-products-displayed-per-page/
Eva Kemp.
When you say “Unfortunately it can be done only by removing sidebar from the page”
I tried to delete sidebar clicking in the no sidbar icon into Product Page Layout and putting 4 product per row but I still see 3 column layout
btw, I found this topic:
did the modify to funcyion.php file but no success.
please can you help me?!?!?!!?
Product Page Layout works for Shop page and you have product categories on the Home page. To make them displayed 4 categories per row you need remove sidebar you currently have enabled (Categories, Brands, Price Range, Archive) on the left side. Woocommerce documentation shows how to change number of products, not categories.
Eva Kemp.
thanks for the reply!
To change to 4 display categories including sidebar which php or css I should customize?
I will try…
thanks a lot!
You need customize custom.css file in the theme directory. It requires much customization, so if you have necessary skills you can try doing it yourself. Or our specialists can do this for you, but this service isn’t for free. You’ll find the price in Private Content.
Eva Kemp.
It says private conteent hidden. By the way what are the css selectors name involved into category display matter?
Thanks a lot
You can find the code of an element you wish to edit via Inspect element in Firefox or Chrome browser. Just make right click on the element you want to edit, and select “Inspect element” from the list.
Eva Kemp.
We’ve replied to you on email regarding the additional customization cost.
Please check.
Eva Kemp.
Ok Eva, I’ll chek your proposal, thanks!
By the way I found another way to add the 4 items row, adding a row with 4 columns with thumbnails linked to product category relatve pages but when I do that and I disable the product categories display from Woomcommerce settings the price range and archive widget disappear from left sidebar, why?
thanks a lot!
Could you please provide us with admin panel credentials to check what is wrong?
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
To make the price filter widget work you need add products with prices using Products element from VC. Price filter widget will automatically detect the minimum and maximum prices on the current page.
The layered navigation widget will only appear on product archives: http://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-widgets/
If you still have some questions regarding woocommerce widgets you should contact their support.
Eva Kemp.
The issue related to '‘product preview stuff disappeared after 2.2 update’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses