Hello there,
I am currently using the Yith ajax product filter for the price and color filtering. The filtering of the products is not working as it is supposed to be. Please find the steps followed below:
Case 1:
1. Disable “Show variations as simple product” under Variable product settings.
2. Navigate to the shop page
3. Choose any color from the color filter.
The filter is displaying the default form value of the variations ( the default product chosen under the variable product).
The variation with the particular color chosen in the filter must be displayed.
Case 2:
1. Enable “Show variations as simple product” under Variable product settings.
2. Navigate to the shop page
3. Choose any color from the color filter.
The products with the chosen color are displayed, but the products are having different size attributes and all those size variations are also displayed.
Expected Result:
The products with the chosen color are to be displayed, but the variations depending on other attributes must be hidden.
For example: If I am having a vase in red and green color with different sizes such as small and medium, when I filter with the green color I should only see the vase in green color that too once. Here I am seeing the green vase twice as I am having two size variations.