Products can not be added to without logging in. If you are logged in, the products go to the cart without a problem. This has occurred after updating xtheme.
Cache plugin disabled – no help.
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Products can not be added to without logging in. If you are logged in, the products go to the cart without a problem. This has occurred after updating xtheme.
Cache plugin disabled – no help.
Hello, Aatso,
Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.
To deactivate the Catalog mode, please navigate to Theme Options and select WooCommerce. Should you encounter any issues, we advise checking for potential conflicts with any third-party plugins or custom code within the child theme.
We would be grateful if you could inform us of the outcome.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
thank you for the fast reply.
The Catalog mode is not activated, it is de-activated.
Only users who are logged in, can place a product to the shopping cart, users that are not logged in can not place a product to the shopping cart but can see different variations and ADD TO SHOPPING CART button – but the button keeps on loading forever when not logged in.
Any additional advice would be greatly appreciated.
We will continue searching for potential conflicts within plug-ins.
Hello, Aatso,
We recommend that you disable all third-party plugins that are not included with XStore ( After doing so, please clear your browser’s cache and check again. It is possible that one of these additional plugins is causing the issue.
If the problem persists, we suggest switching to the Parent theme if you are currently using the Child Theme on your site. After clearing the cache, check again. Do the same test for the default WooCommerce theme – Storefront. The issue may be due to your custom code in the Child Theme.
Let us know the results.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
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