In May we’ve moved to another template, Electronics Mega Market. Since then we’re experiencing some problems. It’s hard to pinpoint what’s going on, since it happens completely randomly (for example on June it didn’t happen even once), but it started right after me moved to mentioned template, so it’s our only clue.
Sometimes when customer places order it changes his product variation price to cheapest one. For example, 100 ml perfume bottle costs 129, but it has sample variant, 5 ml which costs 14,90. Sometimes during placing order this 100 ml price changes to 5 ml one, so after order comes in it says they ordered 100 ml for 14,90 instead of 129.
Like I said It happens completely randomly, on all products, and we’re out of ideas what is the cause. Maybe you can help.
We’re always using latest version of the theme and XStroe plugins.