I have the following 3 problems:
1. in Products Design I selected the light type, which imposes on me the appearance of “Add to cart”, can the appearance of this be changed? Before I started editing, I had a very cool icon that I liked, it looked more or less like this on the photo, can it be restored? (It was a ready-made add to cart from one ready-made theme template)
2. 2. while setting up buy now option I ran into a problem, at normal page expansion (100%) the wishlist and compare icons are invisible (as in the picture), is it possible to somehow move them to the top or bottom?
3. when you click on a category in the store and try to go back to the previous page, subcategories are loaded, instead of showing categories (I attached in the picture). Is this a cache/cookie settings issue, or does it just work that way?
Thank you in advance for your help