Hi, my website is in IT, EN and FR languages but just for franch language the promo text doesn’t appear. I tried to delete them more times but nothing changed
This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 12 months ago ago by Simona
Hi, my website is in IT, EN and FR languages but just for franch language the promo text doesn’t appear. I tried to delete them more times but nothing changed
Thanks for using our theme.
Please provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access, so we can take a closer look.
Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
If you do not know how to create FTP contact with your hosting provider, they will help you.
thank you for your answer.
Please let me know when you have finished
Hi, I warning you that now it works only one of the two message I added in Promo Text per each language.
Thanks for the reply.
One of our technicians will give an answer after the weekend. Please be patient
Fixed. Clear cache and check now, please.
Hi, franch promo text still doesn’t work.
Our developers will take a look at French lang. I’ll inform you once they fix problem.
Hi, do you have any news for me? I need to have the website online as soon as possible.
The rows on promo text and blog don’t work again.
Sorry for the delay in answering.
We have fixed this issue for you via child-theme/functions.php -> https://gyazo.com/70e88d0bc4eb9847449002e8b4de3a5f
We have added the filter for ‘theme_mod_promo_text_package’ because this field of options cannot work correctly with multiple header so if you need to change any text for promo text element, please change it here.
Working test -> https://gyazo.com/82a1818b52ca990ee52e512a0b7d8fd3
Example code we have added for you. (If any user will find the same issue and wants to fix by himself)
add_filter('theme_mod_promo_text_package', function($args) {
if ( defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ){
switch ( ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) {
case 'fr':
$args = array(
'text' => 'Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter pour recevoir nos promotions!',
'icon' => 'et_icon-shopping-cart-2',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "JE VEUX M'INSCRIRE",
'link' => '#'
'text' => 'Dépensez 100 € pour la livraison gratuite en ITALIE, 159 € en Europe (zone A), 200 € en Europe (zone B) ',
'icon' => 'et_icon-message',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "JE VEUX M'INSCRIRE",
'link' => '#'
case 'it':
$args = array(
'text' => 'Spendi 100€ per la spedizione gratuita in ITALIA, 159€ in Europa (zona A), 200€ in Europa (zona B)',
'icon' => 'et_icon-shopping-cart-2',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "ACQUISTA ORA",
'link' => '#'
'text' => 'Iscriviti alla newsletter per ricevere le nostre promozioni!',
'icon' => 'et_icon-message',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "VOGLIO ISCRIVERMI",
'link' => '#'
case 'en':
$args = array(
'text' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our promotions!',
'icon' => 'et_icon-shopping-cart-2',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "SUBSCRIBE ME",
'link' => '#'
'text' => 'Spend €100 to get free shipping for ITALY, €159 Europe (A zone), €200 Europe (B zone)',
'icon' => 'et_icon-message',
'icon_position' => 'before',
'link_title' => "BUY NOW",
'link' => '#'
return $args;
}, 99999999999);
Thank you!
Tagged: franch, language, not working, promo, text, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
The issue related to '‘Promo text not working for franch language’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses