Hi 8theme team,
In regards to the single page product pages,
1) Is there anyway to edit the section which comes after the product information, specifically the section which shows the extra products
For example; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/niche-market02/product/wooden-classical-golden-chairs/
This demo shows = “REALTED PRODUCTS”
How can we show more things such as
– Customers also purchased
– You may also like/be interested in
– Trending products
– Highest rated products
– On sale products
2) On the mobile version on the website (X-Store) demo, we see a button which is has the store icon logo, and once you click it – it takes you to the store/shop page of the website, how can we add this on the website for all screens? (so it shows up on computers/tablets as well)
3) Can we add similar product’s and search bars on the single page product pages? (on the side sections)
Please see PCA.
4) Can we add buttons which have the filters on it on the shop page and once you click it, it goes to that filter page?
Please see PCA.
5) We are not sure on what this would be called, it is where the product is displayed and shows some details.
When you hover over the product it shows the image, title, -+, add to cart etc.
Is there anyway to edit this (the layout and content it displays)?
Other demos (competitors) show more details and content which make it look more appealing.
Please see PCA.
6) Can we change/add specific things on the single page products into buttons (something similar to the add to cart button etc.)
For example, make the add to Wishlist/add to compare links, which are currently displayed as just text, and make them into buttons?
7) Can we edit the eye icon which shows on “31 people are viewing this product right now”
on this demo; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/niche-market02/product/air-fryer-with-dualzone/
And can we put this text into a button type element (which is similar to the add to cart button)?
8) Can we add a section which shows how many people have added that specific product to their shopping cart – which shows on the single product page? (Cannot find this option on the sales booster section)
This adds more social proof to products (can boost conversions)
Please see PCA.
9) Do you have any element which can resemble something similar to this website?
Please see PCA.
10) Can we edit the icon which appears beside the “in stock” text?
And is there anyway we can put this text inside a box (like the add to cart button)?
11) Does X-Store have any feature which we can click the words and it opens up a window with the information?
Please see PCA.
12) Can we add badges with words like “NEW” / “HOT” / “TRENEDING” etc. on the product page?
Please see PCA.
13) Can we change the way the arrows are displayed on the image sections (clicking before and after)?
And have it changed to something solid?
Please see PCA.
14) Is there any image layout which we can display the images in one row?
Please see PCA.
15) Can we edit the panel popup which comes up near the bottom which shows that “this was recently purchased”?
And can we add new things such as “this product was recently added to cart” / “this product was recently delivered” / “this product is trending right now” etc.?
16) Is there anything similar in terms of a element which has this feature?
Please see PCA.
17) Does X-Store have any review section specifically for product’s?
Please see PCA.
Thank you!