Hi 8theme,
Hope you are doing well today!
Just have some questions in regards to the footers + headers based on X-Store.
1) Where we can make the header either sticky or fixed?
Can you perhaps share a screenshot where to locate this?
And if we have a header using lets say 3 sections, how can we choose to make which section be either sticky or fixed?
2) Where we can make the footer either sticky or fixed?
3) In regards to the text on the headers and footers. Many time we see on different demos on X-Store, once you hover them the words which are being hovered, they show an animation and sometimes things like being underlined.
Where can we find the place to set these parameters?
On this demo;
The footer sections words show an underline once hovered over. Is there various options on what can be done for this specific task?
Please also see the PCA for this.
4) Is there anyway which we can have a video/or image, being blended all the way to top, and below the menu elements?
Please also see the PCA for this.
5) Is there anyway to make the footer “SECTIONS” collapsible?
For example on this demo, if viewed from a mobile;
The sections appear as is, which makes the footer larger (when viewed on a mobile). Can we make the sections such as information, best deals, customer service, my account, categories, promotions collapsible?
Please also see the PCA for this.
6) Is there anyway to make the full bottom footer collapsible on both the PC and MOBILE view?
For example have text on the bottom which says “FOOTER” and once someone clicks the words, then it opens the footer versus the footer being opened all the time?
7) Can we add static blocks on the footer?
8) How can we add labels/badges after the words located on the menu/footers? For example if we have a item called “NEW PRODUCTS” located on the menu, how can we add the badge which says something like hot or new?
On the demo;
The word “SALE” has a label/badge after it.
Please also see the PCA for this.
Thanks for your help and advice!