Questions regarding where to edit several items on the dehault red theme

This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 months ago ago by Rose Tyler

  • Avatar: nebcreative
    January 15, 2018 at 04:11

    1- How do you change the secondary non home page header background? (universally preferably)

    2- How to add in mega menu on hover of shop/store page on navigation?

    3- On the home page i have placed a parallax affect but cant see to control the size of the view able image area nor the resolution of the photo its extremely oversized, I have used vc to utilize this affect many times in other themes and never had this issue.

    4- I feel like i cant control the shop page properly, the static block or something is after products and it doesnt allow me to edit or should i say i cant find where to edit it.

    thank you

    14 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 15, 2018 at 11:10


    1. Please see screenshot
    2. The menu you may edit in Appearance > Menus. Read more
    3. You need to uncheck this option in row settings and add padding top and bottom in row settings > Design Options.
    4. Appearance > Widgets > After the products.


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 16, 2018 at 21:11

    Thank you, i have fixed everything BUT #4 there are no widgets in that area? I see a static block “pre footer”? i want to have Featured Products, Sale Products, Tag Cloud in 3 separate columns Just curious why the static block was showing content Featured, Sale, And mailchimp sign up?

    And #3 on my list I may or may not do…

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 17, 2018 at 10:00


    4. Please read our documentation
    I’ve created “Default-New-Prefooter+Footer” static block on your site, try to add this, using static block widget, in Pre Footer Area. Also, please read
    3. Have you sorted out ?


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 17, 2018 at 21:14

    the parallax area is perfect thank you. BUT the prefooter ? automatically added another footer which i didnt want, with old sample data to boot and the news letter is still showing up in the 4th column of the prefooter and tag cloud isnt showing.

    Again I was only having issues with prefooter area

    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 17, 2018 at 21:17

    I do see how you did the static block so i guess i could edit and work from that and remove the footer section you have there? Not sure why you have code there exactly but other than that i see how you did it….

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 18, 2018 at 10:31


    You may change static block that will be shown in prefooter via Appearance > Widgets > Pre Footer area, and of course you may edit all static blocks, which you have, according to your needs using VC or even create new blocks.
    Also, you may use such options as “Use custom pre footer for this page/post” and “Use custom footer for this page/post” in settings of a page > [8theme] Layout options.
    Let us know if you need any assistance.


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 18, 2018 at 21:52

    well i get basically how it works but I apparently dont know how to make it small thumbnail list ? As you can see its a list of 4 items no title Featured, Sales, New ect and they are full size thumbs of the products as that was the only way i could figure it out.

    Note: The Prefooter block you had in the sample data didnt have anything but 3 widgetized content areas and a text area i am confused to how it displayed data ? If that would have made more sense it would have been helpful. Also i noticed in the widgets there are featured, sales, special listed is that just for the home page area above the product categories?


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 19, 2018 at 13:51


    Ok. Let’s try to sort out one more time. Do you want to create such block on the bottom of pages ? If yes, create a static block > add row and select 4 columns > add Widgetised Sidebar elements into 3 of them (latest column contains text element > in Appearance – Widgets – create custom widgets areas like, content of these areas can be like on these screenshots + you are able to add WooCommerce Products widget in different configuration and sort products in different orders like price, number of sales or random > go to your static block and select appropriate sidebars in settings of Widgetised Sidebar elements.
    Elements that selected in pre footer or footer widget area will be visible on all pages, in case these settings weren’t changed for a page
    If this is not what you are looking for, please give me a screenshot of result that you want to achieve.
    Thanks in advance.


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 20, 2018 at 22:07

    NOTE: I DO NOT want a newsletter but category tag in the 4th column. There is a step missing during the add Widgetised Sidebar elements as how are they defined, it asks for a title for each of them ect…? Also this all exists in the Prefooter block [block id=”4270″] from the demo so not sure why it cant just be used, other than wanting tag categories rather than newsletter signup?

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    January 22, 2018 at 14:52


    I’m confused a little bit. If you don’t like content that you have in the 4th column go to Appearance > Widgets > add the necessary widget into 4 Footer column widget area (tags or any other or remove widget at all to make it empty). If you want to add any content to prefooter use Prefooter widget area and Static Block option, don’t forget to enable Visual Composer for the Static Blocks to be able to use page builder for the block.

    If you are not able to create the necessary block then provide me admin panel access and screenshot what exactly should be in every area and every column.


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 23, 2018 at 05:34


    1) As you can see above Rose Tyler posted a reply…The reply states to follow some steps, been done prior to her instructing me to do so.

    2) I had asked about this prefooter section of the sample site where the info was coming from the static block called prefooter does not have any of the items as mentioned when i look at static blocks in admin. Still didnt get answered as i would have had this in place already.

    3) I used the static block “Default-New-Prefooter” created by Rose Tyler previously and it is almost correct but it isnt exactly correct as it has no titles on top of the 3 columns for the sale, featured, and new products are not in a list with small thumbnail but full size product thumb, the 4th column with the product tags is correct as i have it now in the store pages.

    Without you or her seeing the 2 different static blocks especially the prefooter block that was imported with the sample data it would be hard to answer my question. I can create a un and pw for you to look and give a better explanation that would be way less work than going back and forth with this. see private content for creds which were already supplied for another issue previously.

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    January 23, 2018 at 11:30


    Ok, let’s make everything clear.
    If you want to have the same prefooter as on our demo but instead of the newsletter get products tags you can use 8theme – Static Block widget in the Prefooter widget area

    Static Block includes 4 columns< 3 of them should have product widgets and 1 - product tags. To add product widgets to static block content we used Widgetized Sidebar element
    Every element uses its own, specially created custom widget area
    Every widget inside this widget area has its own settings and title

    If you want to replace any element you can edit static block and do this. WooCommerce products elements that you used to display sale, featured, new products have the different design than Products widget, so if you like the way how products are displayed on our demo use Products widget and Widgetized sidebar VC element to add it to your static block.


    Avatar: nebcreative
    January 24, 2018 at 04:43

    Yes that is the way i wished it to be. I took it off home page but looks good. I am still unsure how the association between the 3 widgets in the appearance/widget are created from scratch as the 3 widgets already existed there. I am not looking for explanation but that was part of what i was trying to figure out.

    thank you

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 24, 2018 at 15:03


    Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.


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