Hi there,
The Quick View POP-UP (activated only on Desktop) STOPPED Working after the upgrade. When you click on the Quick View Tab, nothing happens.
Please Help!
Thank you!
This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi there,
The Quick View POP-UP (activated only on Desktop) STOPPED Working after the upgrade. When you click on the Quick View Tab, nothing happens.
Please Help!
Thank you!
There is JS error in the console. Provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check the error in more detail.
please refer to the private area for credentials, Thank you!
Check the SFTP access, please. We can’t connect to your server https://prnt.sc/10o6y72
Also, I see that you use Cloudflare CDN, so log in to your account https://prnt.sc/10o71bq to allow us to clear CDN cache after changes to apply them.
Sorry, Olga
The user name is funfashion see in private area
We are not using any CDNs (it is NOT enabled).
Let me know please, Thank you!
Sorry again, Olga.
Let me check this with my hosting and get back to you shortly.
Thank you
here is the correct SPFT credentials. CDN Cloud was REMOVED. Test site rebuilt.
Please Help to fix the problem!
Thank you
Thank you. I have passed the issue to our developers. I’ll inform you once they fix the problem.
Fixed. Clear cache and check your QV now.
Hi Olga,
Thank you! We need to know the EXACT Fix, as we have to apply it to the production environment. Could you please provide is?
Much appreciated.
You are welcome.
Copy xstore/js/etheme.min.js file to your production site and clear cache.
Thank you, Olga!
Will the fix be included in the next release?
Yes, it will be included.
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