When I used “Quick View” on English version, it display fine.
But when I changed to Chinese Traditional & Chinese Simplified, it show “No Post were found”
Please help to fix it.
This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago ago by Olga Barlow
When I used “Quick View” on English version, it display fine.
But when I changed to Chinese Traditional & Chinese Simplified, it show “No Post were found”
Please help to fix it.
I just found when I login to wordpress, then view the page, it looks normal. But when I logout, it show “no posts were found”
Please see http://prntscr.com/e8hk08
We checked the problem and can’t find solution to fix it. We have contacted with WPML team and waiting for the reply, maybe they will help us to make our Quick View option compatible with WPML. I’ll inform you once we solve the problem.
Sorry, for inconvenience.
Any update for the problems?
Did you get any reply from WPML?
As the problem disappear after login, it likely is a authority problems.
Do you use any cache plugin?
We got the following answer from WPML support
Could you please ask your client to make sure that he’s using the updated versions of WPML plugins. Also, he might need to change his Language URL format to Different languages in directories in WPML -> Languages.
If you have some steps to reproduce the issue, please tell.
Just for your info, the client has opened a ticket in our system and one of our supporters is following with him.
Could you, please, continue your conversation with WPML support team to solve the issue?
Hi Olga,
I didn’t use cache plugin for time being & I used the updated versions of WPML.
Yes, I submitted a ticket to WPML & they told me you are working with them to solve the issue. So, I’m waiting for updates from all your side.
Hi Olga,
I just tested to change Language URL format to Different languages in directories. But still have the same issue.
Please note & please inform WPML.
Thank you.
I got the reply that there is some issue with non-logged users and WPML developers work on it.
Hi Olga,
I got reply from WPML as below:
Can you please check https://wpml.org/errata/unable-to-get-site-language-on-the-front-end-ajax-calls-when-user-is-not-logged-in/ ?
I followed the post to change the php file, it works.
Please note.
I’m glad to hear that problem is solved.
Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.
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