I am having issues with the default sorting of brands using your theme. I am using your template (which is great btw) for a Japanese Artist gallery. In place of brands, we have Artists and I need to list the artists by last name, first name alphabetically. Currently, the only way I see to order is first name, last name alphabetically.
For example – a list is currently as such (listed alphabetically by first name):
Atsumi Murata
Bertha Lum
Brian Williams
Carol Jessen
Clifton Karhu
Daniel Kelly….
Where I actually need it to be like this (listed alphabetically by last name):
Carol Jessen
Clifton Karhu
Daniel Kelly
Bertha Lum
Atsumi Murata
Brian Williams….
This issue applies to the following sections on the home page:
– Our Artists
– Catalog (Featured, Recent Acquisitions, Archives) *Here everything is listed by the product not the brand (artist)
This issue also applies to the following sections on the catalog pages (Recent Acquisitions, Archives, Online Catalog):
– View by Artist (filter)