Hello there,
i have an issue with the single product page builder.
up-sell and cross-sell area deal load setter relations.
Can you help me?
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello there,
i have an issue with the single product page builder.
up-sell and cross-sell area deal load setter relations.
Can you help me?
Thanks for using our theme.
Please read this article – https://woocommerce.com/document/related-products-up-sells-and-cross-sells/
Describe your problem in more detail. Provide URL of product and temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look at your settings.
Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
simple example on single product page https://erbavoglio.it/shop/alimenti/superfoods/polvere-di-maca-nera-bio/
related product shown are not what they should be .. seams random
WooCommerce does not have the option to set the related products from Dashboard, it takes them automatically by category or tag. Please read more in the article from my previous message.
You have set Up-Sells and Cross-Sells products – https://prnt.sc/CJRdMpmO9jRn , so go to Single Product Builder > add elements into the content area – https://prnt.sc/2Fz7vVeKt-cn
Thanks Rose,
but here is the issue.. adding ups-sell or cross-sell elements to content area does not load anything 🙁
Clear cache and check now.
yeee, thanks.
was it my mistake? how you did it?
You’re welcome!
You’ve selected a custom display type for products but did not create a correct layout using Grid builder, so I’ve set the Default one.
Tagged: fix issue, related product, solve problem, templates, up-sell, woocommerce, wordpress
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