Firstly I’d like to express my gratitude for your amazing theme! I really haven’t seen anything more impressive out of woocommerce themes.. Great job guys!
I have 4 questions for you:
1) On single product page there are 2 “Add to Wishlist” buttons. First comes right after the price, and second right after the add to cart button. How can I remove the first one, but leave the second one? Here is a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/3n4p0i
2) I found a bug with the price filter. If I set max to a certain amount it works perfectly and only shows results up to that price or less. But if I sent minimum, it shows all results including the low priced ones.. Here is a test link for you http://www.bogarri.co.uk/shop/?min_price=1000&max_price=8599
As you can see I set minimum to £1000, but results show up of £430, £337, etc.
3) On the shop page left sidebar; instead of the actual brands feature, I use attributes as brands. Because the attributes widget shows total posts in each category, which the brands widget doesn’t have.. Anyway, the problem is that if I select an attribute, it will show me the results, but will hide all the other attributes as options.. So if you go on this page http://www.bogarri.co.uk/shop/ and if you select Gucci for example, it will hide the other options and only leave Gucci..
What can I do so all options remain available..?
4) I want to use custom css; I enabled it in the theme options, and used the custom.css, but whatever I add there does not work.. But if I use the visual composer css, it works.. What can I do? Btw, it would be much better if you simply had custom css text field inside the theme options, so you add everything right there.. So maybe this could be e feature request also ^^
Thank you for your help!
Kind Regards,