Remove Add to Wishlist & Issue With Min Price Filter

This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago ago by vladmedv

  • Avatar: vladmedv
    May 27, 2014 at 19:25


    Firstly I’d like to express my gratitude for your amazing theme! I really haven’t seen anything more impressive out of woocommerce themes.. Great job guys!

    I have 4 questions for you:

    1) On single product page there are 2 “Add to Wishlist” buttons. First comes right after the price, and second right after the add to cart button. How can I remove the first one, but leave the second one? Here is a screenshot:

    2) I found a bug with the price filter. If I set max to a certain amount it works perfectly and only shows results up to that price or less. But if I sent minimum, it shows all results including the low priced ones.. Here is a test link for you
    As you can see I set minimum to £1000, but results show up of £430, £337, etc.

    3) On the shop page left sidebar; instead of the actual brands feature, I use attributes as brands. Because the attributes widget shows total posts in each category, which the brands widget doesn’t have.. Anyway, the problem is that if I select an attribute, it will show me the results, but will hide all the other attributes as options.. So if you go on this page and if you select Gucci for example, it will hide the other options and only leave Gucci..
    What can I do so all options remain available..?

    4) I want to use custom css; I enabled it in the theme options, and used the custom.css, but whatever I add there does not work.. But if I use the visual composer css, it works.. What can I do? Btw, it would be much better if you simply had custom css text field inside the theme options, so you add everything right there.. So maybe this could be e feature request also ^^

    Thank you for your help!

    Kind Regards,

    8 Answers
    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    May 28, 2014 at 08:49


    Please provide us with FTP and wp-admin credentials.

    Jack Richardson

    Avatar: vladmedv
    May 28, 2014 at 14:57

    All info is in the private content. Thanks!

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    May 28, 2014 at 16:29


    1. I’ve set Position to “Use shortcode” in Woocommerce > Settings > Wishlist, and the second “Add to Wishlist” button has disappeared.

    2. We recommend you to contact Woocommerce support regarding the price filter. They should advise you what problem may be there.

    3. I’ve set Query type to “OR” in Woocommerce Layered Nav widget and now brands attributes are showing on the other page too. Please check.

    4. The reason is you didn’t enable custom.css in Theme Options > Custom CSS > Enable Custom CSS file > On. Thank you for the suggestion. We’ll take this into account and perhaps it’ll implemented in our future update.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: vladmedv
    May 29, 2014 at 18:35


    Thank you for your help!

    I will contact woocommerce as you suggested. I have a new problem though.

    For some reason one of the pages I made is showing 404 error. It was working, then I added a few content elements and updated the page, and it just turned 404. Can you please help me out? It’s this page:

    You can edit it here:

    I already sent you login details earlier. Thanks for your help!


    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    May 29, 2014 at 19:03


    You’re welcome.
    This problem is not related to our theme as there are some issues with permalinks settings. Such problem also appears with default theme. You’d better contact wordpress support for help.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: vladmedv
    May 29, 2014 at 21:09

    Hello Eva,

    I found a solution and want to share it with you so you can provide better support 🙂

    The problem is that I have child theme using different type of page, e.g:

    Brands page is set as ‘portfolio’, and Michael Kors is using ‘Default Template’. Therefore they both conflict and the child theme ends up not working..

    I found a solution for this:

    1) For some people it helps to save their permalinks, or to change their permalinks – save it, change it back, and save it again..

    2) That didn’t help me, so I found this code which you are supposed to place in functions.php
    global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();

    Once you add it, refresh the error page, it should work now. If it works, remove the code.

    In my situation this solved the problem, and hope it will help you guys too!


    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    May 29, 2014 at 21:12


    We’re glad you’ve found the solution!
    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: vladmedv
    May 29, 2014 at 21:16

    Thanks Eva, I will 🙂

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