Hi i would like to have the text responsive in the header section when you choose a smaller screen. But now it brakes and its happening also when you choose a button.
how to solve it?
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi i would like to have the text responsive in the header section when you choose a smaller screen. But now it brakes and its happening also when you choose a button.
how to solve it?
Hello, Gewoonbovenaan,
You can adjust the “Mobile Header Starts From” setting in the Theme Options > General section.
We hope this information is helpful.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Hi ok i solved it somehow. although the text is still not responsive.
One more question:
I want to add this category: https://www.staging2.pvcvloeren.nl/categorie/toebehoren/
to the cross sell section https://gyazo.com/04896cf9071b2eb34d287581a19ae59f
So we can show it under every product.. but how to do that?
Hello, Gewoonbovenaan,
Would you like to add an additional block to the single product page? If so, you can create a new static block with the desired content using Elementor, then add a Custom HTML element (https://prnt.sc/gVL6BAZK5g3s) to the content of the single product and select your static block in the settings.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
We did this and indeed that is the smarter option. Although now the problem is that it doesnt load.. https://gyazo.com/d860d7c342231995377116a6ba8bf80f any idea why?
Hello, Gewoonbovenaan,
In order to take a closer look at the issue, please provide us with the URL of the product in question and temporary wp-admin access.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
its on every page, but for example here:
Hello, Gewoonbovenaan,
We recommend that you navigate to Theme Options > Speed Optimization > Static Blocks Cache and disable it.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Tagged: header, options, responsive, section, text, theme, woocommerce, wordpress
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