Hi there,
is there any chance to add an parallax effect on the revolution slider? If not, could you tell which file I have to customize? I mean where the content which I created is saved. (Sry for the bad description).
Thanks, Jonas
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago ago by Jack Richardson
Hi there,
is there any chance to add an parallax effect on the revolution slider? If not, could you tell which file I have to customize? I mean where the content which I created is saved. (Sry for the bad description).
Thanks, Jonas
As we know there is no such feature as parallax effect in the Revolution slider. We advise you to contact Revolution slider developers regarding information about slider customization.
Jack Richardson
Thanks Jack, but if I create any content at the backend – in which file does wordpress save this? E.g. if I write write a text on my “Home” panel, where does the system save this text?
The pages are stored in “wp_posts” table of your database.
Jack Richardson
Hi Jack,
sorry for my late response. I can’t find the file “wp_posts”. Could you give me the full path, beginning with root folder.
“wp_posts” is a table in your database, not a file. You can find it via PHPMyAdmin panel if your hosting provides it. Here you can read some information: http://codex.wordpress.org/Database_Description
Eva Kemp.
Many thanks!
You’re welcome!
Jack Richardson
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